
About B.KidZanian

At KidZania, you can now join our CitiZenship Program, which recognizes your learning and progress as you experience various activities.


With your parent’s consent, you’ll receive an official PaZZport with a special hologram sticker for each KidZania you visit. Your participation in activities is commemorated with a unique stamp in your PaZZport. As you earn more stamps, you’ll gain access to more benefits!


As you require more skills and earn more stamps, you’ll be able to advance through the three levels of B•KidZanian: Naturalized CitiZen, Distinguished CitiZen and Honorable CitiZen.At each level, you’ll receive more benefits to enjoy at KidZania – earning more kidZos, having exclusive discounts on The National Store of KidZania and much more!


These are some of the many benefits for our CitiZens:


  • Bonus kidZos on salaries for professions experienced within the Establishments
  • Savings on kidZos for products and services acquired within the Establishments
  • Discounts on merchandise at the National Store of KidZania
  • Discounts on redeemed items at KidZania Department Store
  • Access to a dedicated membership website
  • Periodic news and offers from KidZania
  • Faster access to KidZania facilities
  • Eligibility for public appointments in KidZania CongreZZ
  • A discounted rate to KidZania Titans


Membership fee is AED 35.00.


Download B.KidZanian Enrollment Form - *Parental consent is required for all registrations